Kaspars Eglītis

Kaspars Eglitis is a software engineer focused on innovation in both academic and corporate sectors. Serving as an Innovation Developer at Accenture Baltics from 2020 until 2023 and a Prototyping Mentor at the University of Latvia DF LAB since 2018, Kaspars applies a blend of technical skills and design thinking expertise to create practical, user-centric solutions.He co-founded Tandeems, a challenge-sharing platform with Erasmus+ funding, and developed a digital tool to improve ideation processes for governmental bodies. With an interest in medical technology and Cognitive Science, Kaspars has made contributions reserach and education initiatives using his tech skills, such the Hidden Bias initiative, "Ir" Technology School, and several research initiatives as part of his research assistant role at University of Latvia Faculty of Computing.

Emil Syundyukov

Emil Syundyukov is a computer scientist who dedicates his skills to solving problems in the healthcare industry. Twelve years of experience in applied research and development of industrial and academic solutions in the healthcare industry worldwide. He received multiple academic and industrial awards, incl. 33 Under 33 list by the European Commission, EIT Health, GapSummit (Cambridge University), “Young Scientist of the Year 2016”, Baltic Forbes “30 under 30” nomination in Healthcare and Research, etc. Emil is a Co-Founder and CEO at Longenesis – a leading digital health player in the Baltics providing solutions for secondary health data use, a lecturer at the University of Latvia and Riga Technical University, and a co-author of numerous industrial and academic projects in population health research.